
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

SBL-SMI-00094: Internal: Could not get the IP address

This issue was faced when Siebel application was upgraded along with DB upgrade & OS upgrade. The Siebel services were starting and getting killed after sometime. On checking logs, we could see the below errors -
[parthodas@server1 log]$ more TEST_ENT.server1.log
2021 2016-06-22 01:40:26 2016-06-22 01:40:39 -0700 00000007 001 003f 0001 09 SiebSrvr 0 3385 1439811376 /server1/siebsrvr/enterprises/TEST_ENT/server1/log/TEST_ENT.server1.log [23048] ENU
ServerLog       ServerStartup   1       0000ec04576952b3:0      2016-06-22 01:40:26     Siebel Enterprise Applications Server is starting up
GenericLog      GenericError    1       0000ed02576952b3:0      2016-06-22 01:40:27     (smilobj.cpp (1101) err=1376350 sys=1) SBL-SMI-00094: Internal: Could not get the IP address: Internal: gethostbyname_r ()failed with error. (%sysError)
GenericLog      GenericError    1       0000ed02576952b3:0      2016-06-22 01:40:27     (smilobj.cpp (396) err=1376350 sys=0) SBL-SMI-00094: Internal: Could not get the IP address: Internal: gethostbyname_r ()failed with error. (%sysError)

Siebel upgraded to IP2015. DB upgraded to 12c. OS was upgraded to Linux6. On checking for solutions, nothing fruitful was found. We run the startup script in debug mode to check where it is getting stuck.

Solution:- We need to add one more line at siebenv.csh file. This will help is resolve the issue. Edit siebenv.csh file and add below line --
setenv RESOLV_MULTI off

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Siebel server not coming up after Upgrade

After upgrading Siebel to IP2015, the siebel servers are not coming up.  The svc service for Siebel server is starting and after sometime, it is getting killed. Only watchdog process is running. Other processes(like siebmtsh or siebmtshmw or siebproc, etc.) are not starting. Once checking services, we see the below details --
 [parthodas@server1 siebsrvr]$ list_server all
Siebel Server "server1" (Enterprise "TEST_ENT")
started at Wed Jun 22 00:59:19 2016, pid: 2146 (Service process is not running), autostart: no

Issue:- On starting the server, the services are getting killed. No log file is getting created.
The issue is related to encryption issue. With IP2015, Siebel has changed the encryption method from RC4 to AES. So, the old password set at the enterprise level won't work. We need to set the password at the enterprise level and serve level.
  • Start Gateway service
  • Once Gateway is up, connect to Srvrmgr at enterprise level
                   srvrmgr /g <gatewayhost> /e <enssterprise> /u SADMIN /p SADMIN
    And update enterprise password as below
                   change ent param Password=SADMIN
  • Once password is updated, create siebel service file
  • Delete the Siebel Server system service using the following command (on Windows, this requires being logged in as user Administrator, or a username that belongs to the Administrators group AND User Agent Control (UAC) disabled):
    siebctl -d -S siebsrvr -i "EnterpriseName_SiebelServerName" (Please change enterprise name and Siebelservername according to your environment)
  • Create new siebel service file
    siebctl -h SIEBSRVR_ROOT -S siebsrvr -i "EnterpriseName_SiebelServerName" -a -g "-g GatewayServerHostname:port -e EnterpriseName -s SiebelServerName -u sadmin" -e sadmin

NOTE:--In Windows machine, under certain situation, creation of new Siebel Server service may fail with the following error.
siebctl: Add Service error 1703955
It occurs when the extra registry key exists. Here are the steps to find the and fix it.

  •  - Run regedit.
  • Locate the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\_BKP_siebsrvr_EnterpriseName_SiebelServerName
    Example: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\_BKP_siebsrvr_sia81_app01
  • Export the key for backup reason
  • Delete the key

Once it is done, 'siebctl -a' should be able to create new Siebel Server service.

For further details look into the Oracle doc ID 1957428.1.