GenericLog GenericError 1 0005930e59d32554:0 2017-10-10 00:10:37 (bsvcmgr.cpp (932) err=1310827 sys=0) SBL-SVR-00107: Internal:The configured component is not based upon a CSSService
GenericLog GenericError 1 0005930e59d32554:0 2017-10-10 00:10:37 (bsvcmgr.cpp (1044) err=1310827 sys=0) SBL-SVR-00107: Internal:The configured component is not based upon a CSSService
GenericLog GenericError 1 0005930e59d32554:0 2017-10-10 00:10:37 (smimtsrv.cpp (1203) err=1310827 sys=0) SBL-SVR-00107: Internal:The configured component is not based upon a CSSService
SmiLayerLog Error 1 0005930e59d32554:0 2017-10-10 00:10:37 Terminate process due to unrecoverable error: 1310827. (Main Thread)
GenericLog GenericError 1 0000000759dc0cfc:0 2017-10-10 00:10:43 (scfdata.cpp (9624) err=1319736 sys=0) SBL-SVR-09016: Failed to get task instance: task number 23068693. The task may have exited or does not exist.
srvrmgr > create component definition WfProcMgrADP for component type BusSvcMgr component group Workflow run mode Batch full name "Workflow Process Manager ADP" description "Executes real-time Business ADP Processes" with fixparam ServiceName="Workflow Process Manager"
srvrmgr > enable compdef WfProcMgrADP
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